The Gift of Aspen
Aspen trees are one of the highlights of fall in my part of the world, and I was overjoyed to find that the leaves produce a true, brilliant gold dye.
Last week, I promised that the next CSA sign-up would result in adding an additional contest prize, a 200-yard skein of Nature’s Cauldron Farm yarn dyed in Aspen….. this weekend, I was out playing and came home to discover a new sign-up through the Fibershed Marketplace, so I am adding another prize to the contest!
Here’s a hat I knitted up in December, using my hand-dyed indigo and aspen yarns. For those who want to know details, the pattern is the Zelda Cloche, from Knitscene Winter 2011, and the button is from a discarded Jacob sheep horn, made at Meridian Jacobs and sold on the Fibershed Marketplace.

Remember, the contest runs until Midnight, PDT, on April 30th. You get an entry for commenting here, and more entries for sharing on Facebook or your blog (just be sure and let me know where you shared!). Good luck, and thanks to all for your encouragement as I head into my second season as the first natural dye plant CSA in the US:)
Wow, that is a beautiful yellow, Birdsong. I love the hat too. Nice use of the Jacob horn button!
Love the colors! Amazing that plants create such vibrant colors–How they come out! The natural world is so impressive!
I like how you’ve coaxed out the colors and made this fab hat!
Love your site. Love your colors. And love, love, love your hat!! Will be sharing your site with all my fiber friends. (Of which I have many!!)
Birdsong, you have a great vision here sharing the stories and powers of these plants, and obviously have many skills. I love all the colors you bring out.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I love the plants and their gifts to us, and that makes the rest easy:)
I live in the aspens and am thrilled to see this! Can you tell me please what mordant you used? Thank you for posting this!!